Rachel B
25 starsI'm very torn on this book Some parts were excellent other parts not so much I think for a discerning reader who already has some information on both sides of the issue this could be a good read I don't know that I would recommend it as an introduction to gender roles howeverFirstly Mathews advocates not taking Bible versespassages out of context great advice but then she ignores her own advice a few times and omits key verses in certain passages in order to put a spin on them For example when she relates the story of Barak and Deborah recorded in the book of Judges she comes to the conclusion Here was a man who wasn't afraid to follow a woman leader when he believed that she spoke the very words of God p 62 But she omits the verse where Deborah tells Barak because of the course yo... (Sign in to see more)
Living Water Ministries, Pastor Russ Moore, sermon, preaching, God teach me to love This sermon was recorded on 2/14/2010 at Living Water Ministries in Dallas, Georgia. The speaker is Pastor Russ Moore. Listen to God Taught Me by Zauntee, 30,335 Shazams, featuring on Christian Rap Essentials Apple Music playlist. Download All My Children Shall Be Taught By Me God full book in PDF, EPUB, and Mobi Format, get it for read on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. All My Children Shall Be Taught By Me God full free pdf books. I need to cling to the promises found in God’s Word (Psalm 130:5) When I joined staff with Power to.
I’ve read this book multiple times and have gifted it over and over again Matthews’ thorough look at this subject as it has played out in history both in and outside of the church is a gift
L.L. Martin
This review originally appeared on my blog an advocate for women in the church and home I am sometimes asked for a book recommendation and this is always tough I’ve read a multitude of exceptional books but many are “too something” for the typical readertoo academic too comprehensive or too focused on one narrow aspect of the issue Well I finally have a book to recommend This is it This book strikes an ideal balance It is introductory and concise yet not basic It actually is a comprehensive book but manages to be so without being encyclopedic Matthews introduces the reader to key players and assertions in the debate over gender roles and carefully interacts with the ScriptureGender roles are a hot button issue among evangelicals but Matthews avoids strident tones The book’s tone is... (Sign in to see more)
Written in three parts examples of stand out women the theology behind gender based hierarchy the historical realities that still exists for women this book is an outstanding look at what the Bible says about women what the church says about women and the differences between the two
Mark Brewer
Excellent thoughtful and clear analysis of an important topic Much to consider here Very well done and recommended
Great sociological perspective of the issues I would have like to see practical application or thoughts on where to go from here
Joel Ken
An excellent introduction and overview to what some call egalitarianism the author prefers to call it complementarity without heirarchy Only some minor uibbles with the book nothing too major The author was able to poke holes in many of the so called obvious passages for complementarianism A highlight was the material on 1 Corinthians 11 and the material on understanding headship as source rather than authorityOne thing that left me unsatisfied was the author's dealing with male eldership in Ephesus and Crete 1 Timothy and Titus The reasons given did not land as convincingly as the rest of the book The author basically 1 downplayed the notion and importance of leadership in general and 2 referred to the scenarios of 1 TimothyTitus as moments of crisis which a caused the church to revert ba... (Sign in to see more)
Zachary Garris
Apart from this being easy to read this is a lousy book It is sad that major publishers continue to churn out works of such low uality and that scholars like Walter Kaiser and Roy Ciampa endorse it This book promotes feminismegalitarianism yet it does so by making bad arguments and then ignoring or dismissing good arguments on the other side Let me give two examples First Mathews say Whatever Paul and his other coworkers were about Phoebe must also have been doing or else Paul would not have introduced her to the Roman Christians as a diakonos p 86 This is utter nonsense Paul was an Apostle of Christ Calling someone a diakonos or even a co worker does not mean they did the same things or virtually everything p 90 that Paul did eg preaching teaching planting churches Second in her extremely... (Sign in to see more)
David Szomor
Exegesis was poor It mainly came down to “KeenerBaukhamWright interpret Corinthians 141 Timothy 2 Ephesians 5 this way therefore it must be a viable option” I appreciated her historical analysis especially was encouraged by how the reformation truly opened a door for woman to be an important part of the churchPages 219 220 solidified my views even It is where she points out Charles Ryrie’s “The Place of Women In the Church” George Knight’s “The New Testament Teachings on the Role Relationships of Men and Women” James Hurley’s “Man and Woman in Biblical Perspective” and Judith TenHelsof’s “Women and Men in Ministry a Complementary Perspective” and Schriener and Kostensberger’s “Women in the Church” as all doing excellent exegetical work giving good insight... (Sign in to see more)

Devon Steele
I greatly enjoyed this book I was not only surprised at how recently it was written but that it was written by an 86 year old woman not a young upstart in the church ; She provided a succinct history of women's roles in the cultures the church grew up in as well as the cultures within the churches through history and the impacts both had on society and church evolution It was well researched and annotated and not only championed men and women working side by side within the church using the gifts God gave them and not the gifts they are told they must adhere to as a man or woman but packed a big punch at the end that I had not considered in all the time I've been researching this topic I will not ruin it for you but trust me it's a marvelous insightIf you have an interest in women's roles ... (Sign in to see more)
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