Alien rage trainer Unlimited Health, Ammo, No Reload, Super Speed, Add Score, Add Perk Points, Save/Load Position (Teleport). Made exclusively for Cheat Happens. WRITTEN FOR THE ORIGINAL RETAIL/STEAM VERSION OF THE GAME. May not work with all versions. This longplay of Alien Rage - Unlimited includes the full campaign and all the boss fights and cutscenes in this full playthrough and is recorded in HD on th. Game Alien Rage V.1.0 Trainer Options: 1. Ammo, Clip & Alternative Ammo 2. Health Update 1: - Add Inf. Health - Fix Cheat Table enable How to use this cheat table? Install Cheat Engine; Double-click the.CT file in order to open it. Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
Steam achievementsSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.
Alien Rage Unlimited Cheats Ps4
- A Serious Man: Complete single player campaign on Hard difficulty.
- Apex Predator: Reach a player score of 25,000,000.
- Arachnophobe: Defeat Vorus God Mech.
- Armed & Completionist: Use all weapons.
- Away Game: Play as an alien in a multiplayer game.
- Behemoth: Defeat GX-7 Destroyer Prototype.
- Books on Tape: Find all audio recordings.
- Bridgelayer: Lower the bridge.
- Called a Meeting: Survive the Heavy room.
- Can't Homidecide: Kill an enemy with every weapon.
- Do You Feel Lucky?: Play entire campaign using only the pistol.
- Dominator: Win 10 multiplayer games.
- Driving Angry: 80 Kills While Piloting Mech.
- Explosive Personality: 500 Kills With Explosions.
- Fire! Fire!: 1000 Promethium Containers Destroyed.
- Fortified: Take out the bunker.
- Gangbuster: Defeat AA-19 Combat Mech.
- Giant Killer: Defeat Vorus Centurion.
- Godlike: Reach a player score of 50,000,000.
- Going Solo: Play entire campaign using only 1 weapon.
- Guardian: Defeat DF9 Sentry Mech.
- Hard Headed: Completely recover from damage 3 times during a multiplayer match.
- Hardcore: Complete single player campaign on Brutal difficulty.
- Hoarder: Find all weapons.
- Home Team: Play as a human in a multiplayer game.
- Immortal: Never die during a single multiplayer match.
- It's Personal: 250 Kills With Melee.
- Juiced: Unlock first Perk.
- Mellon Baller: 500 Total Headshots.
- No Stone Unturned: Complete single player campaign on all difficulty levels.
- Overdrive: Defeat Mk XII Heavy Mech.
- Pitching Machine: Defeat Vorus Primus.
- Point & Shoot: Find a new weapon.
- Press ALL the Buttons!: Use every weapon's secondary fire mode.
- Press the Button!: Use any weapon's secondary fire mode.
- Property Damage: Destroy the security control room.
- Relentless: 1500 Total Kills.
- Secured: Defeat Security Turrets.
- Showdown: Defeat Vorus Gladiator.
- Spin Control: Set the docking tower centrifuge to overdrive.
- Supreme Being: Get the most kills during a single multiplayer match.
- Tenacious: Complete single player campaign on any difficulty level.
- The Exterminator: 25 Kills Using Mech To Step On Enemies.
- There Can Be Only YOU!: Get the most kills AND never die during a single multiplayer match.
- Trying New Things: Find an alien weapon.
- Utility Belt: Unlock all player perks.
- Walk in the Park: Complete single player campaign on Normal difficulty.
- Welcome to the Party: Join a multiplayer game.
- When Titans Fall: Defeat all Bosses.